A nice movie from a book
Hey ! ,
have you seen or Read…….
‘ He’s Just not
That into You ‘
Remember that guy who said he’d call …. And didn’t .May be he Lost your number ,may be he’s in hospital . May be ,he’s Awed by your beauty ,brains or success or May be, He’s Just Not That Into You .
Star cast Like cute Ben Affeck , Jannifer, connolly so on looks for love and finds laughs in this savvy ,sexy right now ramcom. , Based on Runway ( Like some Guy you know) best seller by ‘Sex and the city ‘ series writer Greg Behrendt and Liz Tvccillo. He’s Just Not That Into You sparkles with Zingy aha moments any survivor of the (Virtual) dating war will recognise. Not a must to see, but if you still wanna know more ,see it with someone you love .
Tc ,
Vikram Gulati ,